8 Powerful Affiliate Marketing Strategies!

To help you and your affiliate marketing business here are 8 powerful affiliate marketing strategies that I use to maximize income from my websites on a daily basis.

Many of these strategies are taught at the Wealthy Affiliate University for affiliate marketers and strongly recommend the course if you are at any stage of your affiliate marketing business.

10 powerful affiliate marketing strategies

8 Powerful Affiliate Marketing Strategies

Here are 8 powerful affiliate marketing strategies you can start implementing to increase traffic, leads, and sales within your affiliate marketing business.

My personal opinion is to start with one until you see some results first, then drift into other affiliate marketing strategies. If you try to learn all of these at once.

1 – Niche Selection:

Remember to choose a specific niche or target market audience to focus on. The more directly you can target your market, the more those people will be engaged in your advertising!

2 – Content Marketing:

Content marketing like blogging, writing articles, videos, podcasts, etc, are some of my personal favorites when it comes to affiliate marketing online.

High-quality content is crucial! People will find a reason to hunt out and consume this information if you have made it right, and it can indeed be found by search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

3 – Search Engine Optimization

This most likely goes without saying…but if your information is not submitted and indexed by Google, it will most likely never get found. This includes in-site SEO.

4 – Email Marketing:

Building an email list is a great way to re-engage your market with new blog posts, special offers, discounts, personalized recommendations, etc, and helps engage with your audience and grab a few more sales along the way.

5 – Social Media Promo:

Free methods of advertising and leveraging social media platforms are a great way to gain a following, get a few clicks along the way, and more importantly learn about your target market audience as well.

6 – Product Reviews:

Writing reviews on products is a great way to help share your affiliate links.

Be sure that you are offering value in your content, and that you also share the same view as your review…in other words don’t sell a product that you don’t believe in yourself.

7 – Data Analysis And Optimization:

This is a must-do in all affiliate marketing businesses. Comparing and analyzing data gives you a huge advantage when constructing your next blog, or any other promotional strategy.

8 – Keyword Research:

This is my personal favorite, I love keyword research, and for this, I use Jaaxy, a powerful keyword research tool that gives me inside information on what people are searching for, and how much competition there is for each keyword.

Affiliate marketing strategies

Affiliate Marketing Strategy Examples

The above 8 affiliate marketing strategy examples can be implemented in any niche, giving you endless ideas to which you can market your advertisements.

The first affiliate marketing strategy example I will show you is content marketing through the blog.

This is one of my favorite methods of driving free organic and targeted traffic to my blogs, and knowing how to blog correctly, and in a way that gets them ranked in search engines is crucial.

This method involves keyword research and the use of a keyword research tool Jaaxy.

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Affiliate Marketing Strategy Example No1: Content Marketing Through Blog

The first step in this process is to identify what your target keyword is…If you have made up your mind on what niche you are in, this is easier to narrow down.
In this example, we will use the “Gardening” niche, this is rather broad but will work for this example.

To write a blog for my “Gardening website, I need to find low-competition keywords that have a high search volume.

I will start by typing “Gardening into the Jaaxy keyword research tool. Since I don’t actually work in this niche, I have no idea what the results could be!
Here we are!
Gardening Keyword research

Here I have red-dotted the phrase gardening which is way over-competitive…in fact, almost all of these broad keywords are greatly competitive except for “Gardening information websites, but I am sure we can find better keywords than this.

The “Avg column in Jaaxy represents the number of searches for this keyword per month, and the QSR column is how much competition there is for this exact phrase.

These are the main two columns we need to focus on for now.

The higher the search volume (AVG), and the lower the competition (QSR) the better.

Also, we can watch the far right column that is titled “Domains” and this will let us know if the corresponding domain name property is still available for purchase…This also gives us a good inside look into the competition for this niche.

The next keyword I tried with Jaaxy bassed around the gardening niche was “gardening fertilizer” and wow did I stumble accross a treasure trobe of great keywords and domain names that can be bought as well…

These were the results for the keyword “Garden Fertilizer…

Garden fertilizer keyword research

As you can see there are many great keywords that have an ok amount of traffic, but more importantly low competition, this greatly increases our chance of getting our blog ranked in Google.

The next stage is to choose a keyword out of this list to construct our blog on.

For this example we will choose the keyword “Vegetable Gardening Fertilizer.

I click on this keyword in the list on Jaaxy, and Jaaxy will dive deeper into the keyword “Vegetable garden fertilizer and Jaaxy will show me more related keywords that I will also use in my blog.

Vegetable garden fertilizer

Constructing Your Blog

This will be a brief overview of how I construct my blogs and how I use the results from Jaaxy in them.

By constructing our blogs in this way Google, Yahoo, and Bing search engines favor our blogs as they are layed out and constructed in a way that search engines favor.

1 – Always use the main Keyword as your H1 heading

2 – Always use the keyword in your opening paragraph

3 – Use the keyword in an image “Alt” text. ( What the image is about )

4 – Use the keyword within your H2 titles. This will coincide with number 6.

5 – Use the keyword throughout the blog

6 – Use low-hanging fruit keywords as your H2 titles

7 – Always use the keyword as your permalink

8 – Include an internal link and an external link in the blog ( Usually in bottom 3rd )

9 – Use the keyword in the meta title, and mete description.

10 – Blogs should be over 1000 words at minimum for best results.

For a more in-depth explanation check out my ” Get Ranked On Google, Yahoo, and Bing blog here <<<

Other Affiliate Marketing Strategy Examples

As I mentioned earlier, the above affiliate marketing strategy examples I have learned through my studies at the Wealthy Affiliate University and strongly recommend the training course.

Almost everything is taught through easy to follow step by step training video tutorials, and is relevant for beginners right through to advanced affiliate marketers.

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